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A community-driven bicycle safety app that allows users to rate bicycle lanes, plan routes based on bicycle lanes, and tag bike theft locations.


Le Wagon Project

Project Purpose and Goal

The inspiration behind this idea was behind one of the team member's personal experience in Toronto where bike theft is common and not dealt with by the government. The general purpose of the web app is to provide a platform that is cyclist-centric and where they can contribute by pinging bicycle parking locations on the app, marking those that has been compromised by thefts and rating bicycle lanes based on their experiences.

Web Stack and Explanation

This was the 2nd and last project during our time in Le Wagon, so it revolved mainly around Ruby on Rails and stimulus.

The app utilised heavily on Mapbox and its vast features as it was the centerpiece of our web app. We explored using layers to provide parking location icons and highlight bicycle lanes so that users will be able to see at a glance after opening the web app. These icons and lanes are colored to provide the users a visual aid to distinguish the good ones from the bad. We also utilised Mapbox Directions API to provide instructions to the user based on the bicycle route. Devise was also used for user account creation and authentication.

Problems and Thought Process

One of the biggest challenges we faced was to implement bicycle lanes in mapbox and making it clickable. Our understanding of mapbox was not comprehensive enough to even know if it was possible to begin with.

After days of researching and learning from other developers' use-cases, we managed to solve this issue by adding a layer in the shape of a line for every lane we have in our database. The color of the line will be updated as it reads the average rating every time the user goes into the homepage. Stimulus is used to make the lanes/icons clickable to open a panel for more information.